Vienna Marathon 2023: Road closures and detours

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On April 23, the 40th Vienna Marathon will take place. All road closures, alternative routes, crossing options and public transport restrictions at the Vienna City Marathon 2023 can be found here at a glance.

The Vienna City Marathon 2023 will again bring numerous road closures and detours on April 23. ÖAMTC has compiled the main access and exit routes to the affected districts on Marathon Sunday in Vienna.

Parts of Vienna closed on Marathon Sunday.
Already from the early morning hours, parts of Vienna will be temporarily closed or only accessible with restrictions. The running events Vienna City Marathon and Relay Marathon (42.195 km), and the Half Marathon (21.097 km) will start at 9.00 am. The starting area is on Wagramer Straße between Schüttaustrasse and Erzherzog-Karl-Strasse (on both lanes).

In general, motorists are advised to avoid the districts within the Vienna Gürtel and parts of the 2nd and 20th districts or to drive around them extensively.

Crossing possibilities of the VCM running tracks
According to ÖAMTC, locks for crossing the running course are possible on Sunday at the following points (depending on the situation and the location):

  • Ring: Johannesgasse, Schwarzenbergplatz, Kärntner Straße, Schottengasse.
  • Linke Wienzeile: Getreidemarkt, Kettenbrückengasse, Pilgrambrücke, Reinprechtsdorferbrücke, Inner Gürtel, Outer Gürtel, Stiegergasse, Ullmannstraße, Winckelmannstraße.
  • Mariahilfer Straße: Winckelmannstraße, Gürtel, Getreidemarkt
  • Liechtensteinstraße: Hörlgasse, Türkenstraße, Berggasse, Alserbachstraße, Althanstraße
    Roßauer Lände: Peace Bridge
  • Obere Donaustraße: Roßauer Bridge, Augarten Bridge, Salztor Bridge, Schweden Bridge, Marien Bridge
  • Schüttelstraße: Franzensbrücke, Rotundenbrücke, Stadionbrücke
  • Ringstraße closed from Friday to Sunday due to Vienna Marathon 2023
  • According to ÖAMTC, the Vienna Ringstraße will be closed between Stadiongasse and Schottengasse from Friday, 21.04.2023, 20.00, to Sunday, 23.04.2023, 19.10. Depending on the traffic situation, the closure may also occur from Operngasse.

Access/departure to/from the 1st and 9th districts to/from the 2nd and 20th districts is possible via the following bridges in the course of the Danube Canal until approx. 8.45 a.m.: Friedensbrücke, Roßauer Brücke, Augartenbrücke, Salztorbrücke.

Access from the 1st and 9th districts in the direction of the A23 via Franz-Josefs-Kai – Uraniastraße – Dampfschiffstraße – Weißgerber Lände – Erdberger Lände will be possible from approx. 10.55 am.

Road closures and detours during the Vienna City Marathon 2023
Due to the running route via the Zweierlinie (Museumsplatz – Museumstraße – Auerspergstraße – Landesgerichtsstraße – Universitätsstraße – Maria-Theresien-Straße) in the direction of the 9th district, driving on the Zweierlinie is only possible in the order of the 6th district in the section between Alser Straße and Neustiftgasse (except for the access to the garage Museumsquartier).

Burggasse (coming from the Gürtel) is diverted from Gardegasse in the direction of Neustiftgasse. Resident traffic from the 7th district (via Breite Gasse in the direction of Burggasse) will be diverted via Museumstraße (opposite lane) into Neustiftgasse.
Traffic on Lerchenfelder Straße heading into the city will be diverted to the right into Museumstraße and further to the right into Neustiftgasse.
Traffic on Josefstädter Straße towards the city center will be diverted to the right into Auerspergstraße – Museumstraße and further to the right into Neustiftgasse.
Access from the 3rd, 4th and 5th districts towards the city center is only possible as far as Schwarzenbergplatz, Lothringer Straße and Karlsplatz, respectively.

The 6th district and parts of the 15th district can only be reached and left via locks to a very limited extent from 9:00 am to approx—12:45 pm (during the run via Linke Wienzeile and back via Mariahilfer Straße).

Freeway closures and alternative routes during the VCM
All city highways and expressways (A1, A2, A4, A22, A23, and S1 and S2) will be open to traffic at all times on Sunday, April 23.

Only the exits from the Südost Tangente (A23) in the direction of Zentrum/Schüttelstraße and the access from the Ost Autobahn (A4) in the direction of Innenstadt from the Prater junction will be closed from approx. 8:00 to 15:10.

According to ÖAMTC, it is possible to detour via the A23 junction Handelskai or Gürtel.

It is also not possible to exit onto Wagramer Straße or Reichsbrücke from the Donauufer Autobahn (A22) in the Kaisermühlen tunnel from 4:30 am to around noon.

Access roads to Vienna Airport are free.
The west entrance is free on Marathon Sunday. Therefore access to Vienna Airport from the west is possible via Hietzinger Kai, Schönbrunner Schloßstraße, Grüner Berg and Altmannsdorfer Straße to the tangent and east freeway (A4).

Coming from the south, you can take the S1. From districts 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, and 22, it goes over the North- or Floridsdorfer bridge – A22 – A23. The ÖAMTC recommends the Handelskai as an alternative route in the city center.

Information about the public transport restrictions at Wiener Linien
The Wiener Linien is also affected by the numerous road closures during the Vienna City Marathon.

According to ARBÖ, the Ring streetcar lines, such as lines 1, 2, and D, will already be shortened or diverted on Saturday. The U2Z line will cease operation completely on both Saturday and Sunday. Bus line 3A will cease operation at 5:30 pm on Saturday. Like the U2Z, these lines will not operate again until Monday.

Autobus line 74A will be short-routed starting at 5:30 pm Saturday. On Sunday, about 32 streetcar lines and bus lines are affected by closures, shortcuts or detours.

The ARBÖ nevertheless advises switching to public transport in Vienna on Saturday afternoon and Sunday if possible. The subway lines will run without restrictions.

  • sources: APA/
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